V-STARS Software
Images of the object
Measured points
Camera view angles
Point coordinates
Compare to Design
Deformation study
Online and Offline Mode Software
Fully Automated image measurements
Utilisation of coded targets - A unique code pattern allows V-STARS to identify targets automatically. This feature allows measurements to be completely automated.
Automatic identification of reference targets using our proprietary AutoMatch feature
High Performance bundle-triangulation with automatic robust blunder detection
Powerful Picture viewing facilities including movable, sizable zoom window, automatic contrast adjustment, picture catalog viewer etc.
Object based data management
Fast, efficient, proprietary image compression methods
Export functions to CAD software
Import functions from IGES files
Import from any CAD software through .CSV files
Graphical measurement viewer makes it easy to visualise or analyse data.
Several types of coordinate transformations are available including minimal transformations (3-2-1, Point-Line-Plane) as well as several possible weighted least square transformations.
Online Mode software
Real-Time measurements, so that coordinate measurements are available almost immediately after the pictures are taken.
Tracks multiple points in space that are taken simultaneously from at least two cameras. By virtue of multiple point tracking, the position and orientation (60 of freedom) of a moving part in space can be determined.
Best fit lines, circles, planes, spheres, cylinders, curves, parabola
Vector point calculation
Average point calculation
Point to point, Point to line, Point to circle, point to plane calculation and projection
Line to Line (closest approach)
Line to plane intersection
Plane to plane intersection
Point cloud to point cloud comparison (least squares best-fit)
ARM - Automated Repeatability Module completely automates repeatability measurements
Template projects for repeat measurements
Construction objects to simplify repetitive data analysis
Data alignment and transformation
Report generating capabilities