Heavy Engineering
Bridge Block (1,095.63 kB)
Steel Box (1,438.01 kB)
Engineering Measurement (1,666.44 kB)
Pipe Measurement (1,887.81 kB)
Steel plate Measurement
Individual plate measurement
Assembled plates
Surface Measurement
Component verification
Lay up tools and die measurements
Real time inspection
Deformation Measurement
Deformation due to changes in position or attitude of components
Deformation due to load
Dynamic measurement
Pipe Measurement
Tracing pipe locations
Verification of dimensions
Pipe replacement measurements
Temperature Deformation
Deformation due to extremes of temperature
Repeatability Check
Repeatability of individual components
Component Alignment
Alignment of key features for refurbishment or building
Shape Analysis
Measurement of components to verify dimensions
Verification of shape under load
Transportation Check
Check of built components after transportation to customer or from suppliers
Block Measurement
Measurement of manufactured blocks to verify dimension
Vibration Studies
Dimensional checks of components and structures undergoing deformation due to vibration